home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Well I'll be bum-swizzled, it's...|*|*
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- The Word #7!|^|^
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- On 2 Disks for the First Time|*|*
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- Welcome to The Word 7!|Deck the Ripper/NFA|00-Welcome.txt
- Article Formats|Freak/NFA|00-ArticleFormats.txt
- How 2 Use TW7|Freak/NFA|00-How2Use.txt
- PD Note|Freak/NFA|00-PDNote.txt
- Recommended PD|Freak/NFA|00-RecommendPD.txt
- Word Bugs|Freak/NFA|00-WordBugs.txt
- Nfa News|StuntMan/NFA|00-nfanews.txt
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- Scene Stuff|^|^
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- Message Box!|Various|01-MessageBox.txt
- Cellular Fraud|Panther/Trsi|01-CellFraud.txt
- Schoolboys in NET Fraud|Anon|01-Netfraud.txt
- Dengue are Dead!|Madman/Ex-Dengue|01-DengueDead.Txt
- F.A.S.T Thwarted|Cruise/LSD|01-FastSuX.txt
- Genesis Busted|Genesis|01-GenesisBust.txt
- Oasis Bust - The Story|Iggy/Hellfire|01-Oasis2.txt
- Two Cleared of Fraud|The Big Hard One BBS|01-Piracy.txt
- The Wheelie Warrior - BUSTED|Deck the Ripper/NFA|01-TWW-Busted!.txt
- The Wheelie Warrior - Update|Deck the Ripper/NFA|01-TWWBUSTED2.txt
- The Village is Busted|Anon|01-VillageBust.txt
- Kei Update 35|Kei/Carnage|01-KeiUpdate35.txt
- News from 976-EVIL|976-EVIL|01-News(976-EVIL).txt
- News from Eltech|Lithium/Eltech|01-News(Eltech).txt
- News from Kinky|Substance/Kinky|01-News(Kinky).txt
- News from Ultima|Guybrush/Ultima|01-News(Ultima).txt
- News from Quantum Inc|Quantum Inc|01-News(QuI).txt
- News from Passion|Passion|01-News(Passion).txt
- Pooting News|ßudda/NFA|01-PooterNews.TXT
- Quantum Inc Productions|Pex le Sex/Quantum Inc|01-QuI_Productions.txt
- Reply at LSD|2-Cool/EX4|01-reply.txt
- Reply to LSD|JR/Data Division|01-DataDivisionReply.txt
- Duplo Dead|Disorder/ex.duplo|01-duplo-dead.txt
- SYMPOSIUM'95 Invite|Digital UK|01-PartyInvite.txt
- Fantasy Flop|Freak/NFA|01-FantasyFlop.txt
- Fraud|MiMiC/GSP|01-Fraud2.txt
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- A1200 Frequently Asked Questions|Warren Block|02-A1200HardFAQ.txt
- AMOS Secrets|ßudda/NFA|02-AMOS_Secrets.txt
- C Programming - 1|Crow/LOC|02-CProg_Part1.txt
- C Programming - 2|Crow/LOC|02-CProg_Part2.txt
- C Programming - 3|Crow/LOC|02-CProg_Part3.txt
- C Programming - 4|Crow/LOC|02-CProg_Part4.txt
- C Programming - 5|Crow/LOC|02-CProg_Part5.txt
- C Programming - 6|Crow/LOC|02-CProg_Part6.txt
- Escom Speaks!|Gilles Bourdin|02-EscomSpeech.txt
- Goliath Reviewed|ßudda/NFA|02-Goliath-Review.txt
- Give us NEW Amigas!|Freak/NFA|02-NewAmigas.txt
- Not all of you!|Kei/Carnage|02-NotAll.txt
- Telescan Writes...|Telescan P.D.|02-TelescanReply.txt
- Reply to Telescan|Freak/NFA|02-Reply_2_Telescan.txt
- Let's hijack Teletext!|Freak/NFA|02-Teletext.txt
- The Caviar Drives|Bullybeef/NFA|02-CaviarDrives.txt
- Inferiority Complex|Bullybeef/NFA|02-Complex.txt
- Do you want a JOB?|2-Cool/EX4|02-GraphicsJob.txt
- Team 17 Speak|Team 17|02-Team17.txt
- All about Accelerators|Bullybeef/NFA|02-Accelerators.txt
- Amiga News|Bullybeef/NFA|02-AmigaNews.txt
- All About CD's|Bullybeef/NFA|02-AllAboutCDs.txt
- 3DO - FAQ (Part 1)|The .net|02-3DO-Part1.txt
- 3DO - FAQ (Part 2)|The .net|02-3DO-Part2.txt
- More Busts|GRT & LSC|02-Nobust.txt
- How to Pirate PSX Software!|BamBam!|02-PirateSony.txt
- Saturne 3 Info|Saturne Crew|02-Saturne3.txt
- SIH'95 Results|Stoer & Nuttloos|02-sih95.txt
- South Sealand 95 Results|SS95|02-SSParty.txt
- Fake Files Warning|Watch Out!|02-WatchOut.txt
- BBS|Eon/Crn|02-BBS.txt
- Hacker's Dictionary|Kei/Carnage|02-HackersDictionary.txt
- Internet Words|Kei/Carnage|02-InternetWords.txt
- Leaving the Scene?|Main Man/Quantum Inc|02-Leaving.txt
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- Sega Rally Championship Reviewed|Freak/NFA|03-RallyChamps.txt
- Touch & Go Level Codes|Freak/NFA|03-T&G_Codes.txt
- Ultimate Soccer Manager Reviewed|Pex le Sex/Quantum Inc|03-Ultimate.txt
- ViroCop Level Codes|Madman/Data Division|03-VirocopCodes.txt
- Gloom - Bug!|Tom|03-Gloombug.txt
- Gloom - Warning!|Anon|03-Gloomsux.txt
- Gloom - The Levels|Pex le Sex/QuI|03-Gloomlevels.txt
- Gloom - Modem Techs|Data Angel|03-GloomNot.txt
- Gloom - Bug List!|Freak of NFA|03-GloomBugList.txt
- Brutal Paws of Fury Reviewed|Tom Belshaw|03-BrutalReview.txt
- Sensible Golf Reviewed|ßudda/NFA|03-SensiGolf_Review.txt
- Assorted Game Reviews|Eon/Crn|03-GameReviews.txt
- Gloom Review|Freak/NFA|03-GloomReview.txt
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- 3|I|75
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- Birdy Slideshows|ßudda/NFA|04-BirdShows.txt
- Dilly! - The Docs|ßudda/NFA|04-Dilly.txt
- So many AGA Slideshows!|Pex le Sex/Quantum Inc|04-Slideshows.txt
- On-Line in Thievery Scandal!|SAdENESS PD|04-OnLinePD.txt
- Docs for "Balls!"|Freak/NFA|04-Balls!.txt
- Docs for FreakBoot|Freak/NFA|04-FreakBoot.txt
- Docs for Video Manager II|Video/iNDi|04-VM2.txt
- Karaoke For Kids Reviewed|Pex le Sex/QuI|04-Karaoke.txt
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- Serious Stuff:|^|^
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- Bosnia|Deck the Ripper/NFA|05-Bosnia.txt
- Opus 4 bug|BloodRock/SDC |05-Opus4bug.txt
- PC to Decoder|Markus Khun|05-PC2Decoder.txt
- BT/Mercury Prices|Deck the Ripper/NFA|05-Pricewar.txt
- What Rights?|Signal|05-Rights.txt
- Total Computer Supplies Update|Ben Mullin/iNDi|05-Total2.txt
- Death Penalty?|Eon/Crn|05-DeathPenalty.txt
- Get a JOB???|Main Man/Quantum Inc|05-Job.txt
- All about Budda (NOT NFA!)|The .net|05-Budda.txt
- Insert Disk 2 here!|*|*
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- BBC Licence Ripoff!|Phil!/Neø|05-BBC_Ripoff.txt
- Friendship to the Test|Bolt Thrower/???|05-Friendship.txt
- Cracking Case Fax|John Loader|05-JohnLoader.txt
- Satanism and all that...|Koffin Blood/Syndicate|05-Satanism.txt
- Sceen-Psyche|Mike/Quantum Inc|05-ScenePsych.txt
- Total Computer Supplies - Crooks!|Koffin Blood/Syndicate|05-Total.txt
- 0800 Number scan|Buzz/Hellfire|05-0800-622scan.txt
- About Videocrypt|Markus Khun|05-AboutVideoCrypt.txt
- BT Phonecards|Apocalypse|05-card.txt
- Cell Phone Programming|Marke Earle & Dave Rand|05-CellPhoneProgramming.txt
- All about Goths|Peter Wake|05-Gothics.txt
- Sky Hack Update|???|05-Hackwatch.txt
- All about Packet Radio|Steve Schallehn|05-PacketRadio.txt
- TV Licence? Bollocks!|Stig of the Dump|05-TVlicence.txt
- Videocrypt - Overview|Darren Ingram|05-VideoCrypt.txt
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- Criminal Justice - The Lyrics|Tetsuo/Ultima|06-CriminalJustice.txt
- Dookie - The Lyrics|Tetsuo/Ultima|06-DookieLyrics.txt
- Inquity Worked Lyrics|Tetsuo/Ultima|06-InquityWorker.txt
- Prodigy titles listed|Tetsuo/Ultima|06-ProdigyList.txt
- The Prodigy Story|Tetsuo/Ultima|06-ProdigyStory.txt
- All about Manga|Steve Pearl|06-Manga.txt
- Glastonbury Festival|Mike/Quantum Inc|06-Glastonbury.txt
- My Idols|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|06-MyIdols.txt
- Trouble With Video's|Eon/Crn|06-VideoTrouble.txt
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- Aliens!|^|^
- The meaning of KRLL|William Cooper|07-Alien1.txt
- Majestic 12|William Cooper|07-Alien2.txt
- Petition to Indict|William Cooper|07-Alien3.txt
- Project Grudge|William Cooper|07-Alien4.txt
- Aliens and Religion|Joanne Sibson|07-NFA-SIB1.txt
- Aliens Influence Man|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|07-No1_Gargle.txt
- Roswell on C4|Kruger/JFX|07-RoswellTV.txt
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- Adventure!|Bedrock/L.O.C|08-Adventure.txt
- Anita's Story|Bedrock/L.O.C|08-Anita.txt
- Ann's Story|Bedrock/L.O.C|08-Ann.txt
- The Babysitter - 1|Bedrock/L.O.C|08-Babysitter.txt
- The Babysitter - 2|Pervert/L.O.C|08-Babysitter_Visit.txt
- Barbie - Part 1|Pervert/L.O.C|08-Barbie_Part1.txt
- Barbie - Part 2|Pervert/L.O.C|08-Barbie_Part2.txt
- Bound up!|Pervert/L.O.C|08-Bound.txt
- A Day with Mike|Workbench/iNDi|08-Day_With_Mike.txt
- Gatecrasher|Raven/L.O.C|08-Gatecrasher.txt
- Plight part 1|Raven/L.O.C|08-Plight_Part1.txt
- Plight part 2|Raven/L.O.C|08-Plight_Part2.txt
- Plight part 3|Raven/L.O.C|08-Plight_Part3.txt
- Spanking Videos|Red Lazer/L.O.C|08-SpankVid.Txt
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- Offending Jokes...|Gazza|09-101Jokes.txt
- Letter from the DSS|Gazza|09-Dss.txt
- The husband & wifey joke...|Gazza|09-Husband.txt
- Random Jokes|Mike/Quantum Inc|09-Lyro-jokes.txt
- Young Totty Spotting|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|09-Maurice_Chevalier.txt
- More bloody jokes...|ßudda/NFA|09-NEWJokes.txt
- Race Relations|Gazza|09-Race.txt
- S.H.I.T|Gazza|09-SHIT.txt
- Shit Happens|Anon|09-ShitHappens.txt
- A simple jest|WizZard/Carnage|09-WizJoke.txt
- Jiffy Junk Chart for Issue 7|Various|09-Jiffy_Junk_Chart.txt
- Jocularthon|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|09-Jocularathon.txt
- Lurve Emporium III|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|09-LurveEmporium3.txt
- Mr X & Aliens|Mon PD|09-MrX&Aliens.txt
- No Jobs Here - A Guide|Pex, Freak and Aladdin Sane|09-NoJobsHere!.txt
- Party and Manifesto|Pex, Freak and Aladdin Sane|09-PartyPolitical.txt
- The World's Shortest Books|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|09-ShortestBooks.txt
- How To Make Stamps Cheaply|Pex le Sex/QuI|09-Stamp.txt
- 10 Things about the Weather|Eon/Crn & Ke¡/Crn|09-Weather.txt
- Top Ten bullshit Lines|Main Man/Quantum Inc|09-Bullshit.txt
- Top Ten SAD Chat-up Lines|Main Man/Quantum Inc|09-Chatups.txt
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- Jackanory|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|09-Jackanory.txt
- Joyrider - Description|Rich & Kev, Mon P.D.|09-Joyrider.txt
- So hot it BURNED!|ßudda/NFA|09-Hot_Burn.txt
- Some info about Freak|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|09-Freak'sConciousness.txt
- Faces|Panead/Data Division|09-Faces.txt
- What NOT to write!|Mike/Quantum Inc|09-Dontwrite.txt
- Mr.X - Part 2!|Rich & Kev, Mon P.D.|09-MrX-2.txt
- News Scene|Mike/Quantum Inc|09-newsscene.txt
- Mike's Rhyme Time|Mike/Quantum Inc|09-nursery.txt
- Obscure Rhymes|Mike/Quantum Inc|09-Obscure.txt
- Waiting...|Mike/Quantum Inc|09-waiting.txt
- WizZard Gets Off!|WizZard/Carnage|09-WisGetsOff.txt
- BizZarre!|WizZard/Carnage|09-WizBizarre.txt
- Fun side of BBS's|Bullybeef/NFA|09-BBSFun.txt
- Boris to join NFA?|Bully... er... Boris|09-BorisInNFA.txt
- The Rubber Rules|Deck the Ripper/NFA|09-RubberRules.txt
- Strange but True|Pages from Teletext|09-StrangeButTrue.txt
- Where the f*ck's Freak?|Bullybeef/NFA|09-Where'sFreak.txt
- The Invisible Article|Bullybeef/NFA|09-Invisible.txt
- Ye Olde Londinium Dictionary|Pex le Sex/QuI|09-Old_Dictionary.txt
- Shenanigan - FAQ|The .net|09-Shenanigan.txt
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- Managers Rated|Pex le Sex/QuI|10-ManagersRatings.txt
- Cricket Coaching|Pex le Sex/Quantum Inc|10-Coaching_Cricket.txt
- Cricket - it's not dull!|Pex le Sex/Quantum Inc|10-Cricket.txt
- "Magic" - Card price list|Freak/NFA|10-Magic_Cards.txt
- My England X1|Pex le Sex/Quantum Inc|10-My_England_XI.txt
- Premiership '96|Pex le Sex/Quantum Inc|10-Premiership96.txt
- Tiddlywinks - FAQ|The .net|10-Tiddlywinks.txt
- Soccer Scramble|Pex le Sex/QuI|10-Transfers.txt
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- Bits n' Bobs|^|^
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- Feed Me!|Kei/Carnage|11-Feed_Me.txt
- Make your own Mixer|Phil!/Neø|11-Make_Your_Own_Mixer.txt
- Diagram (+More) for above|Phil!/Neø|11-Phil'sPics.pak
- Meeting People|Kei/Carnage|11-Meeting.txt
- QuI - The Meaning|Workbench & Pex le Sex/QuI|11-QuI_The Meaning.txt
- Religion? Bollox more like!|Phil!/Neø|11-Religion_Bollox.txt
- A Software Quiz|Phil!/Neø|11-Software_Quiz.txt
- Beavis & Butthead - FAQ|The .net|11-B&BIndex.txt
- USA Free Postage|Jolly Roger|11-FreePost.txt
- Interesting Phone Numbers|???|11-Numbers.txt
- USA Operator Operations|Signal|11-Operator.txt
- USA RedBox Dangers|Signal|11-RedBox.txt
- All about Supermodels Part One|???|11-Supermodels1.txt
- All about Supermodels Part Two|???|11-Supermodels2.txt
- USA Toll Fraud|Signal|11-TollFraud.txt
- Shopping Trolley Fraud|Mic Flair/Eltech|11-Trolleys.txt
- Death Poem|Kei/Carnage|11-DeathPoem.txt
- Elric and his literature|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|11-ElricIntro.txt
- Fight Poem|Pex le Sex/QuI|11-FightPoem.txt
- Legs Poem|Kei/Carnage|11-LegsPoem.txt
- Little Girl Poem|WorkBench/iNDi|11-LittleGirlPoem.txt
- Oi Freak NO!!!|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|11-OiFreak.txt
- Truths|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|11-Truths.txt
- Weird Shit|Aladdin Sane/iNDi|11-WeirdShit.txt
- 7|I|185
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- Text Ads1|Various|12-TextAds1.txt
- Text Ads2|Various|12-TextAds2.txt
- ßudda's Bargains|ßudda/NFA|12-Budda_Bargins.txt
- IFF Adverts 1|Various|12-IFFAds1.pak
- IFF Adverts 2|Various|12-IFFAds2.pak
- IFF Adverts 3|Various|12-IFFAds3.pak
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- The Cast for this Issue|Various|12-TheCast.txt
- Final Words!|Freak of NFA|12-LastWords.txt